Singapore Green Plan 2012

Singapore Green Plan 2012 is a government blueprint for environment sustainability in Singapore, prepared by the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources.

On 27 July 2005, a public forum was held to gather views for the plan on air and climate changes, water and clean land, conservation, waste reduction, and nature and public health. [1]

The Green Plan underwent a review which ended in December 2005, and a 2006 revision was launched.

The Green Plan takes on the 3 challenges of Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Land.


Clean Air

The Green Plan, whose idea has been introduced to the United States by Huey Johnson, has gradually phased out diesel fuel in factories and industry use, and is testing out alternative renewable energy resources, mainly hydrogen fuel and solar energy. Singapore's strategic location near the Equator will ensure that the solar energy will be available year round.

Clean Water

The Green Plan states that the Four National Taps of Singapore will supply water to all homes and industries. Water catchment areas are out-of-bounds to factories or industries which may release toxic chemical waste. The Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) to be completed by 2008 will also ensure that sewage from all existing sewers will be carried to two centralised water reclamation plants in Changi and Tuas for treatment.

Clean Land

Recycling efforts such as the annual Clean and Green Week are ongoing to ensure that virtually no waste will be going into landfills in 50 years.

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